Xhtml language pdf
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You must define your own tags according to your needs. Previous Page. Next Page. Previous Page Print Page. Save Close. And get xpx. This should be the minimum size of the picture for printing on A4 sheet. If the size will be smaller, the printed image will be fuzzy and blurry. RGB color model stands for Red, Green and Blue is an additive color model in which those three main colors are mixed together to create other colors.
RGB color system is suited for surfaces that produce their own light. The screen surface of a computer monitor or a TV set is originally dark, so its original color is black. All other colors are obtained by using a combination of the three main colors, which in their mixture must create a white color. Experimentally it was proven that red, green and blue are the most suited for human eyes. As we know, the surface of the screen is not solid, it consists of small dots called pixels.
Each pixel consists of three blocks, red, green and blue. By varying the brightness level of each block we can get different colors. The information about the brightness level is encoded using binary code. For example, the most common for modern displays bit True Color system uses three bytes with values from 0 to for each pixel on the screen.
Absolutely red color will have a value This means that the amount of red color is full, of the green is 0 and of the blue is also 0. Absolutely blue color will have a value of 0. With different combinations different colors are formed: bright-violet is RGB color can also be encoded with the help of the hexadecimal system. Here are some standard colors:. This color system is called additive. In other words, we take black color no color and add primary colors to it, mixing them all the way up to white.
This way we can encode 16 colors, which is more than enough for human eyes. In a word, alt tag is an abbreviation of what is essentially an alt attribute on an image tag showing a nature or a content of its image. That is why each image on any successful website has its alt tag that describes what is actually on it. As a result, various screen readers will make the image from your website accessible while reading out this alternative text. To illustrate the situation, that is an example of a complete HTML image tag:.
So, why does one need alt text for their images? As it has already been mentioned, the alt text literally tells what an image depicts as well as describes the main function of this image on the web page. Generally speaking, you just propose a person to use some services or buy some products that you provide with the help of this button.
Thus, its alternative text simply explains what the button is used for. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Here is another simple example of using alt text. As you can see from the screenshot below, this blue call-to-action button lets a person get a shown website template right now.
What is more, talking about the image buttons, you could also put some extra call to action text to it. Actually, it is quite popular policy, so I am sure that you have seen such things a plenty of times while surfing through the web space. Below you can see the next example of this function. Keep in mind that every image you want to use for your online project should have its own alternative text. In point of fact, visually impaired and blind visitors of your site will also use alt in order to figure out what an image or a button is for.
What else should you know about it? Ok, now you know a lot of information about the pluses of alternative text. Still, I know what you are thinking about right now: what should you do in case your image does not have a clear purpose? Without a doubt, it is a logical question, so let me tell you a couple of words.
First of all, remember that the images that you would like to use simply for the design of your website should be in your CSS and never in your HTML code. Shortly, the empty alt attribute looks like this:. To make things clear it is here to make sure that screen readers will pass over the image that has no purpose.
For today it was all the information about alternative text. To sum everything up, below you can see the list of the main functions of alt text. Thus, giving your images an alt text is an easy but important thing. In addition, remember that this text may be provided in the alt attribute or in the surrounding context of your image. I hope you will remind all the given points because they are the main rules of a successful alt text creation. Also, you may watch this video from Matt Cutts that was made in order to help you with a nice alternative text creation.
Still want to know more about alt? In this case, I have a lot of useful articles to share with you! Furthermore, I would like you to tell me your own definition of alt! Maybe you have something to add? For this simple reasons, just leave your comment below! To begin with, CMYK cyan, magenta, yellow, key is the abbreviation for the name of the scheme, which combines the primary pigments. Thus, C means cyan aqua , M means magenta pink , Y is for yellow and K stands for the key.
As you may know, these days K color means black in the modern printing world. Still, things have not always gone this way. Historically, there were other colors used for Key: brown and even blue. Honestly speaking, people used the color that was the cheapest ink to get for their needs.