Zip code 15051

This is an estimation of the household population based on US Postal Service delivery information. Households per ZIP Code:. Sort by this field to get the top house values by zip code. Sort by this field to get all the top household incomes by zip code.

Income Per Household:. Persons Per Household:. White Population:. Black Population:. Hispanic Population:. Asian Population:. American Indian Population:. Hawaiian Population:. Other Population:. Male Population:. Female Population:. Median Age:. Male Median Age:. Female Median Age:. Residential Mailboxes:. Business Mailboxes:. Total Delivery Receptacles:. Number of Businesses:. Sign In Welcome, visitor! Neighborhoods in Zip Code Instant Home Value!

Marital Status Average Age. Photos provided by Panoramio. Photos are under the copyright of their owners. Sex Offender Information. Nearby Zip Codes Safety Alertag Take the Alertag quiz and find out if an Alertag is right for you codeamberalertag. Email Neighborhood Link Ideas? Zip code compared to state average: Median house value below state average.

Hispanic race population percentage significantly below state average. Foreign-born population percentage below state average. Length of stay since moving in below state average. Number of rooms per house below state average. House age above state average.

Number of college students below state average. User-defined colors Preset color patterns. Opacity: Opacity. Most recent value. Based on data. Recent posts about zip code area on our local forum with over 2,, registered users:.


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