Zip code of city college of new york
The college was founded as a beacon of opportunity available to those who might not otherwise have access to higher education and it still performs this function today. And just as was true on the chilly morning in February of when the college first opened its doors, we have one foot in the present and one in the future, keeping our programs aligned with the high-tech workforce needs of tomorrow. I invite you to explore this Web site to begin your own voyage of discovery through our college and to see for yourself why City Tech is such a unique place, a college that can help you build the future we cannot yet imagine.
About City Tech. About City Tech Menu. President's Welcome. Russell K. Hotzler, Ph. Mia Cecily Florin-Sefton. Fadila Habchi. Kristin Hankins. Nancy Ko. Leah Kogen-Elimeliah. Aya Labanieh. Guilherme Estermann Meyer. Laura Salvatore. Workshop Leaders. Kamal Badhey. See yourself here. City College. If you meet the qualifications, consider applying today. Lawrence Tabak, class of '72, is the new acting director of the National Institutes of Health.
Learn more about where CCNY, the home of upward social mobility, is planning to go in the coming year and beyond. Here are a few reasons.