Zip iomega drivers
I hope that worked out for you. I get a tickle using antiquated hardware operationally on modern OSs Browse Community. Windows Dell Community : Software : Windows 10 : Iomega zip drive driver update for windows Turn on suggestions.
Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for. Search instead for. Did you mean:. Last reply by WarsawPact Unsolved. Iomega zip drive driver update for windows Hello, I have a lot of photos on my two Iomega zip drives and am not able to load the software on Windows 10 to download them. Thank you very much. Russell Conrad.
All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic. Replies 7. In response to shesagordie. I apoligize for my incorrect statement about Driver Update. WarsawPact 2 Bronze. In response to rssllco. In response to WarsawPact In response to smash Post Reply.
Top Contributor. Dell Support Resources. Latest Solutions. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. I have a similar problem. I have bought a used iomega zip driver, trying to read some sold discs. However, the PC does not recognize the zip driver at all. I saw some community message suggesting an old Windows version might work with Zip drive. I got out an old Toshiba running Windows XP and conned the driver to it, same thing.
The PC actually acknowledges the plug in of a Printer probably the parallel cable. If you have by chance the external Zip drive blue box then use a cable parallel to serie big long connector to small blue multypin connector the kind used for VGA monitors if you have an old mother board, you may have a parallel connector at the back of your PC. I have an old zip drive. The only driver I have is on a disk. I don't have a disk drive on my computer.
Is there a driver that could enable the drive to work on my Windows 10 computer. I have tried downloading driver programs that only update existing drivers. I have called many numbers and long searching on the internet spending money to try to get it to work. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.
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