Zip zip code information

ZIP Code Database. Immediately download the U. Postal Service, with free monthly updates. Overview: The City State product, available from the U. Postal Service, provides a listing of ZIP codes with their associated city or town and state names. Updates are available on a periodic basis. By default, this setting indicates a file name of ctystate. While logged onto the application server specified by the properties file setting and where the data file has been copied, advance to the Load USPS File Screen.

From this screen, you can submit the LZPS job, which uses the contents of the ctystate. The job performs the following steps:. A record in the data file is eligible for upload if it is flagged with a D detail and is also flagged as mailable. Postal Service does not include delimiters between records, but the U. Postal Service does provide a utility to insert line breaks to make the data more readable. Important: Do not use this utility to transform the presentation of the records in the data file; if you do, the Load USPS File job will not work.

Orphans preferred. The service closed in when telegraph lines connecting the coasts were finished being laid, allowing people to send information much faster and cheaper than they could by Pony Express.

The history of the United States Post Office is filled with fascinating data and amusing facts. Did you know the first Post Office in the United States was actually a tavern? Or that the United States employed camels to deliver mail over deserts in the Southwest?

Or that one of the first airmail deliveries involved a three mile flight, and that the pilot dropped the bag of mail from the flying plane to a postmaster waiting below? ZIP Code. Zip or Mr. And just what are ZIP Codes? As discussed above, it is difficult to precisely define a geographic area covered by a ZIP code.

ZCTAs were developed to account for some of the difficulties in assigning an area to a ZIP code and to precisely define a geographic area. In general, they are updated once every 10 years for the Census. The Census assigns an area to a ZCTA according to census blocks the smallest geographic unit used by the census. Imagine a city block that makes up a typical census block as pictured to the right. It is bounded on all 4 sides by portions of city streets that each have their own name and addresses.

The issue is that census blocks almost always split down the middle of the street. ZIP codes rarely do because that would require two postal workers delivering mail to that street - one for each side of the street.

In the example, one mail carrier may deliver to 3 sides of the block via one ZIP code while another mail carrier delivers mail on the other street in a different ZIP code. When this happens, the Census Bureau will assign the entire block to a single ZCTA in this case, because the census block is the area that is precisely measured. If you are getting very precise usually a matter of meters, not miles , census block boundaries near the edge of a ZIP code almost always split ZIP codes. The statistics provided by the Census Bureau can give insight into the demographics within the ZIP code.

For instance, see our ZIP code rankings. In fact, since they are designed only to increase mailing efficiency, ZIP Codes can and do cross county and state boundaries. For example:. For example ZIP Codes that start with are assigned to the Navy, and therefore have no geographic location. Similarly, areas without regular postal routes rural route areas or areas with no mail delivery undeveloped areas , are not assigned ZIP Codes.

They are based on sparse delivery routes, so the boundary between ZIP Code areas there is indefinite. You can see our instructions on how to find a county by ZIP Code.


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